Note: Today we're shipping orders for in-stock items placed July 18.

Food Storage FAQ

  1. What is the shelf life of FoodPak food storage units?
  2. How are the foods packaged?
  3. How much is shipping on FoodPak food storage units?
  4. How does dehydrated food compare to other options?
  5. What other items might I need for my food preparations to be complete?

What is the shelf life of FoodPak food storage units?

Shelf life of stored foods is determined by the food type, the quality of ingredients, the method and quality of the packaging process, and the temperature at which the food is stored. Dried dairy products will have the shortest life, grains will have the longest shelf life, and the other food types will fall in between. FoodPak food storage units contain the highest quality ingredients. They have been thoroughly dehydrated and are packaged in a nitrogen atmosphere with all oxygen removed. That leaves storage temperature as the principal influence on storage life. Experience has shown that foods prepared and packaged as our FoodPaks are, have remained palatable and nutritious for an average of 20 years when stored at 60° F. Some foods, like the grains, will last much longer than this; others, like the dried dairy products, will have a shorter life.

As temperature rises, life span is shortened somewhat. Most people store their food in a cool basement or root cellar, but another often-overlooked option is commercial cold storage, either refrigerated or frozen.

How are the foods packaged?

Our foods are packaged in steel cans that are double enamel coated inside and are sealed airtight. Oversized oxygen absorber packets are sealed in every can; a nitrogen atmosphere assures that your food will not be degraded by oxidation. Some grains come in coated steel cans, but most are in 6 gallon Superpails which also have metalized Mylar liners, oxygen absorber packets and nitrogen atmosphere.

How much is shipping on FoodPak food storage units?

FoodPaks are shipped by either UPS (for single-unit orders) or motor freight for multiple-unit orders. Single units are priced including shipping to 48-state locations. We can provide a price quote for discounted shipping of multiple-unit orders if you call during our phonehours. Or you cane-mail你的邮政编码和你们单位有多少人可能希望to order, then we can either e-mail the quote back to you, or, if you prefer, you can include your phone number and we'll give you a ring to discuss shipping and any other questions you may have.

How does dehydrated food compare to other options?

Freeze-dried food is very expensive and extremely bulky. Most cooked foods, canned in liquid, are a poor choice; they're low in nutrition, very heavy and bulky, and have a short shelf life. Quality dehydrated foods are enjoyable to eat, take little storage space, and, by a wide margin, give you the most food per dollar. With the dehydrated emergency food storage packages we offer, you win all the way around.

What other items might I need for my food preparations to be complete?

As detailed on our food storage product pages, you need to add only cooking oil for FoodPak 1 or FoodPak 4, or oil and grains for FoodPak 2. FoodPak 3 consists mainly of grains, legumes and rice, and you may want to supplement it with your choice of additional foodstuffs for variety. (A multi-vitamin supplement also is recommended for any food storage program.) Lastly, clean, healthful water is as essential as food; if you don't yet have a water filter that works without electricity, we recommend the extremely durable and reliable, electricity-freeBerkeywater purifiers.

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